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Rebranding Healing Hands

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When I joined Healing Hands, I started by redesigning the website. It quickly snowballed into directing an editorial style photoshoot, doing my own prop shoots as well as managing and creatively directing the company's first brand video. This work is used across social media, web assets, and signage in stores across the USA and abroad.

Website Redesign (See the full site)


Product Pages


Group Book Redesign

Once the website was up and running, I tackled the print side of the business. Due to the nature of medical scrubs, customers wanted to see all the colors and styles at once (for buying in bulk purposes). The previous catalogs did not allow for that (shown below). As I matched the new look of the website, I made the catalog with the consumer in mind.

Before Re-design


Video Directing & Coordinating 

Photography Direction

My In-House Photography

The White Coat Branding & Launch


Our CEO designed a 10 piece collection of lab coats with luxury fabrics and technologies. However, there was no name, branding or look for this beautiful collection.

I took charge of this collection because I saw the incredible potential in this product. I came up with the name "The White Coat" to highlight the simple elegance of the coats. 


From there I created the branding of the different tiers (high, medium and low price points). I gave the coats "personalities": The professional, the modernist and the minimalist. The hangtags and main labels were all designed by myself.

Once the coats had branding, I directed 2 photoshoots and a 2-day video shoot. I storyboarded, designed and physically built 3 sets. 

Below are images of this whole process. 



Main Label

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white coat-closed.jpg


the white coat-open.jpg


Product  & Lifestyle Photoshoots

Buyer's Guide

With such a new and unique product, I chose to design a new buyer's guide for our retailers. This new style highlighted the levels of the products as well as the numerous features without cluttering the page. 


Cover (left)

Intro Page (right)

Collection Page (left)

Product Page (right)


Video Shoot 

For each category in the collection, I storyboarded a video. My team and I created a mixed lifestyle and product video for reach series as well as an overall White Coat video. I designed and physically built the sets (lots of carrying tiles!) I directed the shoot with a medium crew and 6 actors. The pre-production and rough cuts are below:

Set Design & Build

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Screen Shot 2019-12-27 at 11.13.09
Screen Shot 2019-12-27 at 11.13.16

Storyboard & Directing

Screen Shot 2019-12-27 at 11.13.57

Storyboard sample

The Minimalist Video

The Modernist Video

The Professional Video

Social Media

For the social media launch, the marketing coordinator and I worked together to map out a prelaunch build up and then the launch mid-Januray 2020. Below are some examples of the pre-launch and launch for Instagram. 


The "countdown" starts of the build up 

and then followed by detail shots of all 

the products.

As each collection premiere's (they each have different delivery dates), we would post the collection video and lifestyle images.

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